Monday, November 22, 2010

Cannot See Color

"Love and hate cannot see color like the human eye" -Joshua James

Color Connection

"The beautiful is just as useful as the useful.” “Perhaps more so." - Les Mis

Colors are my friends and my lovers. When I sleep they wander through my dreams. I awake and feel renewed, like a newborn.
Color is my favorite thing to photograph. I have a connection to color. It steals my eyes away. There is something about strong color that sucks me into its whirlpool and never spits me out. I just keep spinning and spinning.

World in Motion

Motion Assignment- Frozen and blurred.
Turns out when you walk into the Skate Park with a camera people start showing off and losing articles of clothing. Also chasing ducks while trying to photograph them is dangerous. I am currently looking for a professional duck scarer- requirements: scary, is not afraid to get attacked by a fowl of the water, and will not sue if a phalange is bitten off.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Strong colors, textures, and shapes catch my eye. I love the formal art elements, therefore, making me love taking abstract photographs. I feel like that you do not always need to know what the image is of to appriciate the beauty found in this world. Open your eyes.


Making a picture that allows you to see more than one scene out of a lens, right on! Taking panoramas was challenging because I really can not tell when my tripod is level. I kinda thought that these pictures were nice. It would be nice if you thought that they were nice but even if you didn't think they were nice I will still be nice to you because that is the nice thing to do.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Depth Of Field

This is a practice of the depth of field in a picture. Over these last two weeks I have battled geese, wild horses, and the setting sun. I have had no time to focus on my work, so please excuse the CRAP that I will be uploading.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some Illuminate Us

"All extreme situations have their flashes which sometimes make us blind, sometimes illuminate us." - Les Miserables
Photo II will be a challenge this year as I try to push myself into the extremes of this art. I would like to think that I am blind to the wonders that this art form beholds. Throughout this "adventure" I will think harder, dream wilder, and possibly have a very sore "clicker" finger. If the heavens smile upon my work maybe, just maybe, my mind will become illuminated.